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Choosing Least Restrictive Environment

We recently moved, new town, new house, and new school district. We moved for our family, believing the new district would be better equipped to assist our blind daughters in moving towards academic success and independence. Our daughters are blind. They have no light perception and were adopted. Their history is their story and is not mine to tell. However, it left them severely delayed from their peers.  I entered the district having done my research and knowing what I wanted for my daughters. The same day that we signed our papers for our new house, we visited the school building. While we were able to take a tour with the local principal, we had to wait on someone from the local ESA to allow us to enter the ESA classroom on site. In that room I asked the question, "Where on the scale of restrictive environments would you place this room?" The answer was, "This is considered our most restrictive environment." All children have the legal right to Least Re

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